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CFL: Lunch & Lead with Michael Gordon

S. Aylward
On Sept. 24, St. Luke’s Upper School students and alumni had the opportunity to attend the first Center for Leadership Lunch & Lead of the school year. Students gathered over lunch in the Fireplace Commons or joined via Zoom to hear from Michael Gordon, a St. Luke’s parent and principal at the award-winning communications firm Group Gordon. Gordon shared his insights on the communications industry and his experience working for the Clinton Administration. He also talked about how his winding professional path led to a career he loves. After attending law school and working with Attorney General Janet Reno, he blended his love for the news with the skills he acquired along the way and launched Group Gordon in 2005. Today, Group Gordon is one of the top five agencies in North America and known for tackling high-stakes communication projects.

Gordon left the students with some important advice for determining their own future careers.

“There’s no hurry. You are at an amazing school. Our kids love St. Luke’s, my wife and I love St. Luke’s. You are surrounded by achievers, and you are all achievers. But you really want to take your time to figure out what you are going to do. It is impossible at your age, in your 20s or even in your 30s to make a mistake. Try to test different things, follow your heart and everything else will follow. “ —Michael Gordon

Click to watch the recording from our Lunch & Lead with Michael Gordon.

The Lunch & Lead speaker series gives students exposure and access to accomplished leaders from varied disciplines—entrepreneurs, financial wizards, artists, comedians, technologists, journalists, politicians and scientists. Student leaders organize these events where career paths, successes and failures are analyzed and demystified. Featured speakers are often alum or parents and are always fascinating. Learn more about Lunch & Lead and St. Luke’s Center for Leadership.
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St. Luke’s School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. Luke’s Center for Leadership builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.